Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 Hey anyone who may read this!

The reviews I got from something I did 6 years ago. Blows my mind. I was not expecting to be able to connect with people all over the world by something I did for fun. 

If you are wanting to do the cleanse..... DONT... It is not a healthy option. 

If you are wanting to find healthy options (NO I wont be selling you anything, just off personal experience) Leave a comment and I will connect with you to help you. 

The COVID 20 has hit everyone hard. 


Love all Y'all who gave my 19 year old self blogger a shot and a boost of conidence. You guys are awesome!

Monday, June 26, 2017

In need of some ideas

Hello Hello my fellow people....

So it has been some time since i have last written a post. Since March i believe. Let me tell you something.... I have huge commitment issues. If thats with relationships, or sticking to a diet...

Here is the thing.. I am all for trying the newest and coolest thing that all of the celebs are doing. But i now need your help people. I know everyone else is more updated with the coolest thing to do these days. And this is what i will tell you. Any diets you are wanting to try, but don't want to spend the time or the money on it with out being sure that it actually works... I am the same way. Why spend hundreds of dollars on the coolest new pill or diet if you don't know that it will work... So..

This is my challenge to you.. By the end of Wednesday evening. 6/28/2017, i want to hear everyones ideas... The most mentioned comment will be the first one i do. I will do each one for 2 weeks, post about my results every few days, take pictures and be honest. I will keep going from there until i have done every single comment someone has mentioned.

And it starts now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Buck up buttercup

For sometime now I have been trying to decide what to do for a work out. I went to a plane Jane gym.. had zero motivation.. and then I started working out at a kick boxing place and let me just tell you how much I love it.. it is a huge stress reliever.

Now I don't know how many actually read my blog. Or if people return to read recent posts.. but I know when I first started this blog, it was for the master cleanse. A "easy weight loss" deal. Which yeah. It's easy. If you are fine with starving yourself.. which that's never okay. It's not okay to eat little, or throw it up, because then your going to lose muscle because your body is going to try to keep the fat it has.

Now my guess is your trying to lose weight for someone. Not yourself. Someone in the past has told you that your more attractive a few sizes smaller, or its hot when girls work out.. anything along those lines.. or your dream guy only goes after size 0 girls.. I'm sorry but it's damn near impossible to be size 0 unless you were born tiny. Nothing wrong with being size 0 by any means.. but you can't be that unless you don't eat. And that's not healthy at all..

ANYWHO..... I started going to this kick boxing place, and it's 9 stations, 3 minutes each. Now I haven't lost much weight but I've lost inches.. I didn't understand what that meant until I lost it. I can see my face is getting skinnier, my pants don't fit the same way. I actually had this guy hit on me the other night.. it's been YEARS since I've been hit on out in public. And it's one of rhe best feelings in the world. Where someone I have zero clue who they are, hits on me.. I had a friend tell me I looked skinner.. great feeling!! That's what keeps me motivated to lose the weight. Knowing even if I can't see the change, people do notice... and the best part about it, I've finally said FUCK WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME!!! and the gym is finally my happy place..

So you people reading this... for one week.. make yourself happy.. find your work out.. eat better.. be happy.

Peace out and until next time.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Suck it up folks

So I have a select few people who have read my blog. Actually a few thousand people from all over the world have read my blog. Which means the world to me. But it also shows me that there are thousands of people looking for a quick way to lose the weight. And I've come to realize that there is no quick way to lose the weight. Which clearly sucks. If your anything like me, you want the weight gone.....

Now I say this because I'm sure at one point in time, you've been in my shoes.... I had been talking to this guy, nothing fancy about said guy. One day he tells me "I find it sexy when women work out"... now you probably have the same thoughts in your head along the lines of "HE SERIOUSLY SAID THAT" or "WHAT AN ASS"... and I thought the exact same thing.. obviously I am so uncomfortable with my body.. and I guy that I like, saying such words to me. That sucks... Now I could eat my feelings, I could cry, there are so many negative things I could do.... but this is what I decided to do.

I decided I know I don't need that negative energy in my life. I don't need a reminder that I'm not 110 lbs like I was in high school. I decided to get my ass back into the gym. To eat healthy.. which sucks. Because I love french fries.. and ranch.. I sure love my ranch.... that is not me saying NEVER EAT RANCH AGAIN!!! This is me saying, maybe not eat ranch every day.. maybe find one day, to eat one item of the food that is your "go to food"... don't go crazy... but treat yourself... work your ass off, treat your body right, and reward yourself.

Another thing I decided to do is meditation... take 10 minutes out of your day, to focus on you.. figure out what your body needs.. if you need to take a bath, or a good book, or just to relax.. take all of the negative energy out of your life... because the next step to a happy body, is a happy mind.

I will continue to post about my daily work outs. They just opened a healthy food place that is just like a fast food place that allows you to grab and go. It's a great place. Especially if you are to lazy to cook it yourself! (I definitely am).. find yourself a place like that.

Also. I Will be posting pictures of myself, showing you my progress as I lose the weight.. it sucks.. but if you have the right mind set, you can do it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Stop and think about what is next to come

Hello people!

So this is a little bit off topic of my usual weight lose blogs. But it sort of ties into what I have to say.

So I am spending my day off at my favorite place in the world. Barnes and Noble. Words do not describe how much I love this place. This is the one place I can come and be myself. People do not look at me and see this fat girl, or do not judge me for having a book in my hand. People truly do not care what you look like or what you do at this place. Why cant everyone be like the people I get to meet at Barnes and Noble.

So this is my challenge for everyone. It doesn't matter where you are at. If your getting groceries or at the gym, smile at someone. Say they look nice today. Go out of your way, to make someone feel good about themselves. Take that step to make the world a better place.

That is all for today.
Have a good one guys.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

New and improved

Hello! I do apologize that it has been probably more then a month since I have posted anything. Don't want to leave what little fans I have.

 So I have been trying to think of something to do. To help me lose this weight. Believe me, it is driving me crazy. Imagine this. I am this 5 foot even, 21 year old. Someone my height should be 100-120 pounds. Lets just say I am far from this weight. And with Hawaii being in 3 months. I have some weight to lose. And fast. So instead of being unhealthy. My next step is.......... A GYM MEMBERSHIP!!!!! Crazy right!? Now I truly hate the gym. I hate working out around people. Especially the good looking people. The lady to my left who is running. And not stopping every 5 seconds to catch their breath. Like myself. Or the guy in front of me, who is lifting my body weight like its feathers. Excuse me sir. Could you stop please? I am the person who tries to run. Sure I make it maybe 2 minutes, at a 3.5 speed. But then I feel like I'm dying. On the floor, holding my stomach because I am that person. Soooo to the lady on the left of me, running like she is trying out for the Olympics... Can you run outside, so I can "run".

I try to work out. My mother tries to help me. She will ask me to go on walks with her. Which includes her walking really fast, and myself sprinting because for some reason tall people just don't understand what it feels like to have legs that are a foot tall.

So long story short, running really isn't a good idea. And walking with my mom, terrible idea. They have this stair master, but again, I have to jump in order to reach the next step. Which would actually be a great work out. So that's a maybe.

I am writing this at 3:15 in the morning. My goal, when I get off at 7 am, sleep until noon, then MAKE myself go to the gym. I will be taking before and after pictures. And making notes of every little thing I do.

Thanks for reading


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Forgot my point

Like everyone else, I do my serious thinking in the shower. I just let my mind wonder. Where ever it wants to go....

I feel like the hardest thing you will ever be able to do in life.... Is to be able to love yourself. Not in a selfish kind of way.. But being able to look in the mirror when you wake up, and think to yourself "I look beautiful (or handsome)". This is one thing I struggle with almost every single day. It doesn't matter what gender you are. But I would bet, instead of saying. "Damn my eyes look great today" you think to yourself "God this double chin is nasty". You notice your flaws way more then you notice the good things about your body. And It is so easy to notice what you dislike about yourself.  When it comes to being bigger then you would like, you start to lose the confidence you may have once had. Or maybe never had that confidence. I know for one, I use to be very confidence almost to the point of cocky. And now. I have very little confidence left. I don't wear bright colors like I use to. Makes people notice my stomach rolls to much. Or they may see my flabby arms. It's hard. I wear black and grey. And jeans with a sweatshirt. It doesn't matter if it's 30 below or almost 100 degrees outside. I do not want people to see my body. Which also makes it hard to want to get in the dating world. Who would want me?

Well instead of thinking like this. Having my own pity party. I find at least one good thing that I like about myself. Like how pretty of a brown my eyes are today. Or how at least my butt looks good in these jeans. I try to not dwell on the things I am trying to work on. Because that's the thing. Those rolls I have, they can go away. It just depends on me! If I have the will power to change how I look, it will see be thoughts like "my god I can see my 2 pack coming in". And that will soon turn into a 4 pack. Who knows! But if I have a poor mind set, then that 2 pack, will be a pack of MT Dew. Not abs.

One of the FIRST things you need to change if you are wanting to lose weight is your mind set.