Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Forgot my point

Like everyone else, I do my serious thinking in the shower. I just let my mind wonder. Where ever it wants to go....

I feel like the hardest thing you will ever be able to do in life.... Is to be able to love yourself. Not in a selfish kind of way.. But being able to look in the mirror when you wake up, and think to yourself "I look beautiful (or handsome)". This is one thing I struggle with almost every single day. It doesn't matter what gender you are. But I would bet, instead of saying. "Damn my eyes look great today" you think to yourself "God this double chin is nasty". You notice your flaws way more then you notice the good things about your body. And It is so easy to notice what you dislike about yourself.  When it comes to being bigger then you would like, you start to lose the confidence you may have once had. Or maybe never had that confidence. I know for one, I use to be very confidence almost to the point of cocky. And now. I have very little confidence left. I don't wear bright colors like I use to. Makes people notice my stomach rolls to much. Or they may see my flabby arms. It's hard. I wear black and grey. And jeans with a sweatshirt. It doesn't matter if it's 30 below or almost 100 degrees outside. I do not want people to see my body. Which also makes it hard to want to get in the dating world. Who would want me?

Well instead of thinking like this. Having my own pity party. I find at least one good thing that I like about myself. Like how pretty of a brown my eyes are today. Or how at least my butt looks good in these jeans. I try to not dwell on the things I am trying to work on. Because that's the thing. Those rolls I have, they can go away. It just depends on me! If I have the will power to change how I look, it will see be thoughts like "my god I can see my 2 pack coming in". And that will soon turn into a 4 pack. Who knows! But if I have a poor mind set, then that 2 pack, will be a pack of MT Dew. Not abs.

One of the FIRST things you need to change if you are wanting to lose weight is your mind set.


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