Thursday, July 7, 2016

Last thoughts about the master cleanse

So I forgot to mention my weight loss... I lost about 10 pounds. A lot of this was water weight. I can tell it in my face and stomach area.

Now some cons to this is, You are not getting the nutrition you need... Your body starts eating the fat, but when that is not enough it goes for your muscle and starts taking the nutrients it needs from there. That's not a good thing.

I know everyone who followed my blog is looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight. But when it comes with the consequence of destroying your body, I'm sorry but its not worth it. Now I'm saying go to the gym and do it the right way like you see everywhere. Who the hell wants to wake up at 5 in the morning and go to the gym? The average person works 50+ hours a week. I for one enjoy my sleep. My job requires me to work long hours. and when I'm not at work, I want to be able to relax. So I can fully understand why not a lot of people want to go to the gym.

So I strongly suggest following my blog. I truly look into the pros and cons of these diets, I test them out. I am completely honest. I understand the hard times.

So please stay tuned.

I want to thank everyone who has viewed my blog. I just reached 1,000 page views. And it may not seem like a lot, but when you live in a small town, 1,000 is like Beyoncé coming to Sioux Falls. It will never happen. So thank you!


  1. Ashlei, may I suggest a juice cleanse. Check out Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead movie & its creator, Joe Cross. May you always have a healthy dieting experience!

  2. I enjoyed your blog. You are funny and super cute to read :0)
    Keep blogging girlie. You're good at it
