Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Hello everyone!

So I am on day 8. And I can say it doesn't suck with out laughing.

I had someone ask me if I was able to do this while I am at work. And you sure can! I do not have to use the restroom 24/7, and I'm at the point where I'm not really craving all the junk food like I was when I first started. And I am one person who really likes my food.

I did forget to post the receipt.. makes it a little hard for people who would like to try this master cleanse if you don't have a receipt.

You'll want to get 8 ounces of water. Myself personally I used bottled water. God only knows whats in the tap water. Unless you have a fancy system that filters it for you. (which I don't)

Then its 2 TABLESPOONS of a grade B organic maple syrup. I will warn you, this stuff is pricy. So before you spend 25-30 dollars on this alone, make sure you are dedicated to this!

You'll also need 2 TABLESPOONS of lemon juice. Now I am a little lazy and I didn't want to take the time to hand squeeze lemons. So I went and got organic lemon juice. Its about  6 dollars but when you think about it that's the same you would spend on lemons and probably more. But that is completely up to you.

Then the most important thing to pay attention to. you only need a tenth of a TEASPOON of cayenne pepper. ONLY A TENTH OF A TEASPOON!! I feel like I can not stress that enough. Because if anyone is like me. You will just see a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, and use the entire teaspoon. Yeah don't do that. Its the worst thing in the world. So only A TENTH OF A TEASPOON!! Don't do that unless you feel like puking. Its not fun.

Now when I first started, I bought two of everything. Minus the cayenne pepper. One organic thing of that will last you years. The maple syrup has lasted along time. I have had to buy more lemon juice. I can make about 12-15 drinks from one organic lemon juice. I couldn't even tell you how many lemons you would need. But you are more then welcome to try it out.

Now make sure you drink at least 6 drinks. I am been drinking about 6 big ones, so I drink 16 ounces instead just because I get hungry faster.

On a different note. As this diet comes to an end. I will be starting a new one. So if you have any ideas on what diet I should try next, please feel free to tell me!

Also I have noticed that I have visitors from all over the world, thank you!

Thank you everyone who has read my blog and left amazing comments!!


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